Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I didn't die.

"Turn around, bright eyes"
- Total eclipse of the heart, Glee Cast.

P.S. This post is just to let you know that I didn't die and fall off the universe or anything, while I rack my brains regarding what to write about next. 

Any suggestions? Any questions? Any gaalis? Anything?


  1. Aayushi :D (see, no didi.. LOL)

    Just glad to know you're still here, how is everything going? I had my OSCEs 2 days ago, it's all over for now, hurrah! Even I'm stuck on what to write next... hmm write about Mumbai monsoons?

  2. v al r a bunch of busy ppl lazing arnd is hw il put it!!cz evn m stuck on wt 2 write on!!...bt sunrise dts a gud idea-monsoons wrk gr8 wrk 4me :D Thanx!
